Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Art For Earth – Begins For 2009

I began my environmental art workshops again, yesterday, and what a great time I’ve been having with the students of Victoria School. The topic for this painting is ‘grasslands’ and our painting is of a butterfly in a grassland environment.

The class began with me speaking with the students about environmental concerns throughout the world. We discussed issues such as global warming, population growth, poverty and war to name just a few. I had to make it clear to the students that talks like this did not exist when I was their age… in fact, many of these issues where ignored by the world – in general – until about the mid 90’s. Since then, more and more people have found it impossible to avoid these issues because the problems can no longer be hidden or ignored.

Then we talked about ways that we can share our feelings about these issues, with others, so that more people will become aware and the needed changes for the Earth’s recovery can begin. We talked about expressing our emotions and I expressed a few of mine…

After my introduction to this workshop, it was time to focus on the topic of the month. To assist me, my friend Denise – from the Ausable Conservation Authority ( ) spoke to the class.

We learned about all sorts of animals, birds and insects that find their homes in grassland environments. We learned how grasslands clean our air and provide food for animals. We became concerned to learn that only 2% of Southern Ontario grasslands remain in existence. We became inspired to learn that we can all do a little something to ensure the survival of this delicate environment.

Then it was time to paint…

It really makes me feel overjoyed when I am painting with eager students… and this grade eight class is always eager to paint. Their enthusiasm and dedication to doing the best job they can is completely evident by their masterful skills. I am very proud of all of them.


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